We are excited to share the results of our 2023 client satisfaction survey. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey.

Our 2023 survey saw an increase in responses and a slight improvement from last year’s results on customer service indicators such as NPS and CSAT. In this email, I’m pleased to share our 2023 results.

Matt Phillips, Managing Director

In 2023, we hope you saw our continued push to keep you up to date. It began with our webinars on the Modern Workplace and sharing more information with you on what’s happening in the world of cyber security.

More clients embraced our new services such as the extended hours of support, our industry-leading Cyber Security Discovery session and the monthly Cyber Security Awareness training with our in-house Cyber Security experts.

As our Point of Contact (POC) for your organisation, we focus all our communications on you – having accurate communication details, from email to postal address, ensures you don’t miss out on anything important. We often use email as the most effective way to share vital information – including pertinent technology news and events, security updates, service-related statistics and inventory information. 

Do update your communication preferences and nominate another member of your team to also receive this information – to let us know complete this form.

Satisfaction survey 2023

We received some fantastic feedback – we’re conscious that it is only a reflection of those who completed the survey.

Net Promoter Score
CSAT: Strongly agreed we keep up with technology their organisation needs
CSAT: Agreed we deliver highly professional front line support
CSAT: Agreed they receive a great value of service
What is a good NPS score?
What is a good CSAT score?

143 recipients who were owners or managers of organisations that take our Support+ managed service plan. The creators of the NPS metric, Bain & Company, say that although an NPS score above 0 is good, above 20 is great and above 50 is amazing. Anywhere above 80 is the top percentile. Retently 2022 NPS benchmark for B2B gives the average NPS score for Technology and Services 61, Cloud and Hosting 25, B2B Software and SaaS 40.

The plan for 2024 and beyond

Using your feedback we’ve developed the following plans and projects to ensure you get the most out of our IT support.

Support and Service team enhancement

Starting now, we’re re-organising our support and service delivery teams to provide additional capacity and a sharper focus on our non-support activities.

Whilst the 2023 responses have again overwhelmingly shared the view that we are seen as proactive and that you know who to contact, we know that each organisation we support is unique and our approach needs to reflect this.

Kyle Gould will continue as our Service Delivery Manager. He will focus on the customer side of what we do and manage the new team of Client Managers. Whose roles include being in regular contact with you to discuss things such as;

  • renewals,
  • new equipment,
  • on-site visits, and
  • regular IT operation items.

Your Client Manager will work with you to book account reviews and schedule catch-ups. You can use these sessions to check in, discuss, and update your IT roadmap. You can also use the time to talk about your mid-term business plans or daily IT operations. You can also ask about anything else you would like to know about IT support and Modern Workplaces.

If you haven’t been formally introduced to your Client Manager yet don’t worry, we’re building the team and will be getting in contact shortly. In the meantime, please continue to contact us in the way that you have been.

A new role of Service Delivery Co-ordinator has been created to help with the organisation and administration of the Service Delivery team.

With our dedicated Client Managers in place, we can assure you will always know who to speak to for non-support-related questions and we are focused on proactively providing expert IT advice and guidance.

Tom Hicks has been promoted to Service Desk Manager to focus on the smooth running of the support team, the allocation and management of support requests. We are glad to inform you we have found his replacement for his previous role of Service Desk Co-ordinator.

Over the next two months, we have planned a series of blogs introducing our service team in more depth – do watch out for an email letting you know when they are live.

Comprehensive re-onboarding process

From this month, we’ll be reaching out to clients who have been working with us for more than two years to complete a comprehensive re-onboarding process.

We trialed this process during the last months of 2023 and found it invaluable. Even with clients we’ve known for a long time, have a strong relationship with and work well together, the re-onboarding strengthened bonds and put in place better working practices.

Over the years, the process of welcoming a client and their team into the IT Champion family has evolved. We now include much more than we did with clients who took up our IT support plan more than two years ago.

Our new onboarding process focuses heavily on Cyber Security, with each onboarding including a Cyber Security Discovery session and an IT roadmap – which we reference and update as part of our managed IT support.

Our re-onboarding process allows us to refresh old processes and ensure that all the information we have for you is up-to-date – we have the correct lines of communication, we have agreed processes for handling new users and equipment setups, and you and your team access to as many new features as possible.

The Service Delivery team will contact the relevant clients arrange re-onboarding. If you would like to discuss this matter earlier click the following link to provide your preferred date and time, along with the names of those who should be included.

Email us

Monthly tips and tricks

You may have seen our festive email and social posts about how to spread joy to colleagues using gifs, praise and stickers in Microsoft Teams and Outlook.

Beginning in February, we’ll be launching a monthly tips and tricks session hosted by our colleagues in the support team.

Each month an online session will cover tips and tricks for using Microsoft Office applications. These sessions will cover topics that are frequently asked about on our help desk.

The sessions are FREE to all Support+ clients and their teams to join as many as they like. When we launch the sessions you will be able to see the topics and book events up to three months in advance.

Before then, we’ll be emailing to ask for your input to help shape these sessions including the topics and Microsoft Office applications to cover.

Looking forward to a great 2024

As a technology-focused company, we like to keep our clients updated with the latest changes, updates, and industry insights through our news page on our website and social media posts. We understand the value of your time and therefore, we only send emails with vital and relevant information, keeping your inbox free of unnecessary communications regarding your IT support.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and honest feedback in our client satisfaction survey.

If you fancy talking to us about any of our plans for 2024 give us a call, send an email or arrange a meeting.

Contact us today